Feste patronali Annual

The Feast of Our Lady of Graces in Sanarica

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Luogo:Sanarica (LE)



The Feast of Our Lady of Graces represents an important moment for the community of Sanarica, in the province of Lecce, which sees the participation of thousands of pilgrims, faithful and emigrants every year.

It is said that the Madonna delle Grazie of Sanarica is miraculous and that over the centuries it has saved many people, such as some fishermen from Taranto who escaped a violent cloudburst.
The local elders traditionally told this story: surprised by the storm, the desperate asked Heaven for help.
They thought they could not make it, until the Virgin appeared and accompanied them to the shore; she introduced herself to the seamen as the “Madonna of Sanarica” and invited them to go and visit them.

The feast of the Madonna delle Grazie begins on September 6 with the traditional “Sagra te lu Lacciu”, during which it will be possible to receive bunches of fresh celery.
All around, as is customary, food stands, stalls of street vendors and musical entertainment shows are set up.

The following day, September 7, the celebration of Holy Mass, the floral tribute to the Madonna, the delivery of the keys of the city and the usual procession take place.
The Sanctuary remains the scenic space of reference for the festival with a continuous coming and going of people who enter the temple to greet the statue of the Madonna holding the baby Jesus in her arms.

The Festival is also an essential event for citizens of Sanaria who have emigrated to other places in the country or abroad, the return to the country where they were born or from which their families come, driven by the desire to reconnect with their origins and relive the experiences related to childhood or cultural roots.

The event received the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for the realization of cultural activities in favor of Italian descendants, to be carried out for the Year of Italian Roots.


06 September 24

09 September 24


Information/To know

Location/The place


Sanarica, LE, Italia

How to get there

By car: State Road 275 Maglie - Leuca (SS275), exit Sanarica - Giuggianello; By train: Sanarica station - railway stop on the Maglie-Gagliano del Capo line Nearest airport. Brindisi – Papola Casale

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Municipality of Sanarica
