On Saturday 13 July in Corigliano d’Otranto (Lecce) the Invisible Festival of Cinema of the Real crosses “Italea Puglia: the Festival of Apulian roots“, for a long evening dedicated to looks at reality between screenings, exhibition paths, performances, musical exorcisms and a “crazy party”.
The Festa di Cinema del reale, which for over twenty years has been a reference event of the Salento summer, returns this year in a special self-produced version, the “Invisible Party”, with a very rich and intense program from dusk to dawn, all in one night, which celebrates the creative community of Cinema del reale, always actively involved in a process of co-creation of the Festival.
This year, the Invisible Festival of Cinema of the Real crosses “Italea Puglia: the Festival of Apulian Roots“, the traveling festival promoted by Italea Puglia on the occasion of the 2024 “Year of Italian Roots” promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to enhance the stories of the communities and authentic traditions of the Heel of Italy.
The result of this collaboration is an intense program entirely dedicated to the theme of migration and Italian and Apulian cultural roots.
The appointment is starting at 7.30 pm at the Flying Castle of Corigliano d’Otranto.
It starts at 7.30 pm on the Terrazza Nuvole with the presentation of “Italea Puglia: the Festival of Apulian roots“. The mayor of the Municipality of Corigliano d’Otranto Dina Manti, the coordinator for Puglia of the PNRR Project “Tourism of the Roots” of the MAECI Attilio Ardito, and Rita Piccinni, Giorgia Salicandro, Sara Colonna, Mariana Bobadilla, Marta Coppola, Giovanni Pugliese, Vito Perrini of Italea Puglia will welcome you. We will talk about the many stories of those who left and those who returned to Corigliano, but also about how the community has changed over time, the families “who have remained at home” and the bonds that resist at a distance.

Italea Puglia: presentation at the Invisible Festival of Cinema of the Real
At 8 p.m., again on the Terrazza Nuvole , we get to the heart of the evening with the musical aperitif animated by Massimo Donno and Gianluca Milanese in “The eight hours“, a journey into the tensions of change, from Southern Italy to the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, among the music and songs that have accompanied the great historical, political and social changes in Italy and beyond, starting from the migratory epic of Italians in the world.

Massimo Donno The Eight Hours
At 8.45 pm, in the Moat of the Flying Castle, the artistic director of the Invisible Festival of Cinema del reale will kick off the cycle of screenings presented in collaboration with “Italea Puglia”. The program includes “Emigranti” by Franco Piavoli, in partnership with CSC – Archivio Nazionale Cinema Impresa; “Fata Morgana” by Lino del Fra in collaboration with Cecilia Mangini; “Metaponto the tobacco route” by Libero Bizzarri; “Klama”, excerpt from the film “Il sibilo lungo della Taranta” by Paolo Pisanelli, the story of a beautiful song in Griko about a Salento migrant by Franco Corlianò.
To conclude the program of Italea Puglia: the Festival of Apulian roots, at 9.40 p.m. always in the Moat of the Flying Castle is the meeting with the chef of Apulian origin Donato De Santis, international star of cuisine, in dialogue with Giorgia Salicandro of Italea Puglia.

Lo chef Donato De Santis
Donato De Santis is an international star of cuisine, chef-entrepreneur and television face of highly successful programs in Argentina that make him one of the most popular television faces. Born in Milan to Apulian emigrants and raised in Puglia, he became the protagonist of an international career that took him first to the United States (where he was also hired as Gianni Versace’s personal chef) and later to Argentina, a country where he managed to conquer the general public by conducting programs of great resonance and participating as a juror in MasterChef and MasterChef Celebrity, interpreting the typical dishes of Italian and Apulian cuisine with fidelity to the original recipes.
Info and complete program on cinemadelreale.it